August 10, 2005
Press, 8/10: Mention of
Source: Nadig Newspapers
Forest Glen Gleanings
by Bill Griesnauer
August 10, 2005...By now you no doubt have read and heard over the back fence about plans to turn the Edens Athletic Club into a fast-food joint. If this kind of thing whets your appetite, there's a new Web site you might want to check out.
It's called and its webmaster is former Glenite Steve Tanner. Steve and his wife are members of the club, and they along with other members and nearby residents are very much interested in keeping the club a club.
Steve says the Zoning Board of Appeals is scheduled to discuss the matter in October. It was originally on the ZBA docket last month, but Alderman Patrick Levar requested a 60-day continuance.
If you are interested in preventing the Wendy's folks from turning the fitness center into a drive-through eatery, "Let your voice be heard," says Steve. And take a look at the Web site for the latest info.
Edens Athletic Club, 5130 N. Cicero Ave., sits right in the middle of the block, and a restaurant there would provide a rather challenging traffic situation. Across-the-alley neighbors on LaCrosse Avenue are concerned about traffic, noise and the sometimes not-so-pleasant aromas in their back yards.
Some members and employees have expressed interest in purchasing the building to keep it a fitness club.
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